Sunday, April 15, 2007


Slang is used really often now days, everywhere in the world. Why? Maybe it’s easier for the people to use slang because slang usually simplifies words, or makes them shorter. But, again why is slang so popular, especially among young people?

That were the questions that were supposed to be answered by the BBC show 'Talk about English','Politics, Language, and Slang', we listened in the class, but after listening that BBC show about slang, I must say I learned many new things about slang, that I didn't know before. I didn't know that in the beginning slang was a secret language. For me slang was always just a modified variant of the normal language. Thing that surprised me was, Cockney, which I thought was a dialect. But it turned out it's something completely different, it's almost like a code language, and it’s really hard to understand, even for the natives, that don’t live in London.

We’ve also listened to The Onion fake news, where we heard some commonly used slang expressions. These news showed us that slang can completely change the sense of the whole news. At the of the class we all agreed that slang is something that puts us in a different groups, depending which slang we use, because you can’t expect old people to understand the slang we use.

To sum up all of this I’ll use very popular form of slang, slang of the black people.
I says everyone shoulda use slang if they wants it, cause’ slang is just one of da forms of language.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll leave a message here, although it has no connection to this essay...
I like your blog very, very much, however, i have some criric on it, I'll informe you about them in private... RESPECT! Ajlaaaa was here